In conjunction with #WaterWeekNYC will be a #Bike Ecosystem Micro Summit. This will arguably be the most important conversation on bike share and the urban bike industry this year. The micro summit will identify ways to promote biking for 1) commuting, 2) tourism and 3) deliveries, not only as a mode of transport, but also as an urban economic driver.
With the new Nextbike technology to be launched this spring in Jersey City, Hoboken and Weehawken, the Summit will also discuss ways of expanding bike share to where it is needed most, in places like Harlem, the South Bronx, much of Queens and the St. George area. It will specifically discuss the potential of new franchise models where communities can launch their own programs under a common technological platform.
Citibike is the bikeshare system in North America. Citibike’s usage numbers dwarf those in all other markets on the continent. Ginsburgh is responsible for the private sector roll out of the continent’s largest bike-share program and getting running smoothly in a very challenging environment. Having worked for Goldman Sachs and the Empire State Development Corporation, he is one of the most highly regarded managers of urban projects.
Glendening captained the Harvard Alumni Study, has consulted to Bike and Roll, and has been described as the private sector mastermind for the Hoboken Hybrid which led to the new program in Jersey City, Hoboken and Weehawken. Glendening is focused on making bikeshare less expensive to implement and by doing so, relevant for more markets, including emerging ones across the globe.
Transportation Alternatives is a leading bike advocacy group and arguably the non-governmental driving force behind Citibike. Samponaro was TA’s point person for the Harvard Alumni Study which developed private sector ways to pay for large scale bike share prior to the NYC bike share program (now known as Citibike).
Nextbike is the largest solvent supplier in North America, and operator of the largest smart-bike program in North America (in New Jersey). Nextbike operates the largest smart-bike program in the world in Budapest (the only one larger than that which will be deployed in New Jersey). Nextbike has nearly 20,000 bikes operating in 60 markets and in 14 countries.
Chris Wogas runs the largest bike rental company in North America (and operator of the Nextbike program in New Jersey). Wogas operated the Hoboken Hybrid pilot last summer which integrated full service bike rental and automated smart-bike, bike share. Prior to Citibike, Bike and Roll had the largest bike fleet in the US (over 2,000).
Revolution Rickshaws offers distribution and logistics, film services, and tours. RR is at the forefront of a much more sustainable, low cost logistics: rather than large delivery trucks entering smaller neighborhoods, a hub and spoke system can be used to deliver products the last mile. It is a natural with ferries too.
The event will be on the Hornblower Hybrid, the most innovative and eco-friendly venue on the water, boasting leading edge technology, creative cuisine, and signature Hornblower service. The Atlantic Cup participants include FK Day, founder of World Bicycle Relief.
This Bike Micro Summit is a continuation of E3Think’s Inventropolis Transportation series. Participants included Tesla Motors, Siemens, IBM, BMW, Schneider Electric as well as many leading start-ups like Streetline, Roadify and Social Bicycles. This bike summit will follow the same TEDx meets Wired Magazine format.